Friday, November 25, 2016


Hey everyone;

So lately I've been doing a lot of videos for all my classes, I think they've turned out really good and I would like to share them with you.

 You'll be able to find videos about Microbiology, Chemistry, Immunology, The health system, and many other interesting videos that may catch your attention.

You can find my channel on Youtube under "Marcell Laguna"

This is a video I made for my chemistry class last semester, it's one of the best videos I've ever made.

I hope you enjoy watching my videos!

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Hey guys,

Today I want to share a little reflection about a very important class I´m taking which is included in my dentistry curriculum. The class is called "Technology and Sistems".

I´ll proudly tell you that my behavior and performance throughout the class has been really good and exciting.  Thanks to my professor I learned a lot in the class. I got the chance to learn about topics such as, PubMed, online databases and more about computer sistems and how they work.

 In the dentistry area, I learned how technology and the internet could help look for articles about a certain topic and help you become a different kind of professional, specially in the health sciences area.

To be honest, I really liked the class and what I did in it. The blogs, the articles, research,etc.

Thank you Mr. Munevar!


Hello Guys,

Here you can find information about prezi in a simple video tutorial. Hope you guys like it!
