Friday, November 25, 2016


Hey everyone;

So lately I've been doing a lot of videos for all my classes, I think they've turned out really good and I would like to share them with you.

 You'll be able to find videos about Microbiology, Chemistry, Immunology, The health system, and many other interesting videos that may catch your attention.

You can find my channel on Youtube under "Marcell Laguna"

This is a video I made for my chemistry class last semester, it's one of the best videos I've ever made.

I hope you enjoy watching my videos!

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Hey guys,

Today I want to share a little reflection about a very important class I´m taking which is included in my dentistry curriculum. The class is called "Technology and Sistems".

I´ll proudly tell you that my behavior and performance throughout the class has been really good and exciting.  Thanks to my professor I learned a lot in the class. I got the chance to learn about topics such as, PubMed, online databases and more about computer sistems and how they work.

 In the dentistry area, I learned how technology and the internet could help look for articles about a certain topic and help you become a different kind of professional, specially in the health sciences area.

To be honest, I really liked the class and what I did in it. The blogs, the articles, research,etc.

Thank you Mr. Munevar!


Hello Guys,

Here you can find information about prezi in a simple video tutorial. Hope you guys like it!


Sunday, October 9, 2016



As I said in my last post, I want to take this post to mention and show each and every one of the mandibular movements that we can find in Posselt's Envelope. At the end I will attach an interesting video and don't forget to see the pictures!

Posselt's Envelope! (Sagittal View)
Marcell Stefano GL

  The picture above just shows the sagittal view or plane of Posselt's Envelope but Posselt describes a frontal and horizontal plane which is used to demonstrate mandibular lateral movements (right or left).

Posselt's Envelope! (Horizontal and Frontal View)
Marcell Stefano GL
Now, we have to remember that these points are defined as the border limitation of mandibular movements, so moving the mandible to these points is moving it to its limit points.

Don't forget to watch the video!

See you soon...

Posselt's Envelope of Movement

    Hey everyone!

Posselt's Envelope is a guide for dentists to measure, observe and guide the different mandibular movements a person can do. It shows every movement possible and the relationship they have with one another.

   It includes movements such as: 

  • Retruded Contact Position (RCR)

  • Intercuspal Position (ICP)

  • Edge to Edge

  • Maximum Protrusion 

  • Minimal Opening or Mandibular opening with the condylar heads still in the glenoid cavity.

  • Maximal Opening or the translation of the condylar heads. 

  • Lateral Movements

These movements will be emphasized and explained in the next post of this blog. Meanwhile, you can check out this video which tells you a little bit about Posselt's envelope!

Thank you! Stay alert for the next post!


Sunday, October 2, 2016


Cleft lip and cleft palate, which can also occur together as cleft lip and palate, are variations of a type of clefting congenital deformity caused by abnormal facial development during gestation. A cleft is a fissure or opening—a gap. It is the non-fusion of the body's natural structures that form before birth.

    Clefts can also affect other parts of the face, such as the eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and forehead.

  If the cleft does not affect the palate structure of the mouth it is referred to as cleft lip. Cleft lip is formed in the top of the lip as either a small gap or an indentation in the lip (partial or incomplete cleft) or it continues into the nose (complete cleft). Lip cleft can occur as a one sided (unilateral) or two sided (bilateral).

Cleft palate is due to the failure of fusion of the maxillary and medial nasal processes (formation of the primary palate). It is a condition in which the two plates of the skull that form the hard palate (roof of the mouth) are not completely joined. Below, is an example of cleft lip and palate.

   Cleft lip and palate is very treatable; however, the kind of treatment depends on the type and severity of the cleft.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

In my way to success (UPDATE EN ESPAÑOL)

      Despues de un largo año desde mi ultimo post, puedo decir que mi sueño de estudiar la Carrera de Odontología se ha vuelto realidad. Me encuentro en estos momentos estudiando en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia siendo parte de varios proyectos y cada día trabajando mas para llegar a mi meta. Seguire publicando en este blog con mas frecuencia ya que para mi, el tema de cirugía maxillofacial es muy importante. Así mismo, tendran la oportunidad de ver algunas relaciones con lo que es la investigación sobre las celulas madre y los diferentes tejidos que se involucran en la cavidad oral.