Sunday, October 9, 2016



As I said in my last post, I want to take this post to mention and show each and every one of the mandibular movements that we can find in Posselt's Envelope. At the end I will attach an interesting video and don't forget to see the pictures!

Posselt's Envelope! (Sagittal View)
Marcell Stefano GL

  The picture above just shows the sagittal view or plane of Posselt's Envelope but Posselt describes a frontal and horizontal plane which is used to demonstrate mandibular lateral movements (right or left).

Posselt's Envelope! (Horizontal and Frontal View)
Marcell Stefano GL
Now, we have to remember that these points are defined as the border limitation of mandibular movements, so moving the mandible to these points is moving it to its limit points.

Don't forget to watch the video!

See you soon...

1 comment:

  1. Cool vid!! Really liked it!! You should keep doing this, Marcell!!
