Sunday, October 9, 2016

Posselt's Envelope of Movement

    Hey everyone!

Posselt's Envelope is a guide for dentists to measure, observe and guide the different mandibular movements a person can do. It shows every movement possible and the relationship they have with one another.

   It includes movements such as: 

  • Retruded Contact Position (RCR)

  • Intercuspal Position (ICP)

  • Edge to Edge

  • Maximum Protrusion 

  • Minimal Opening or Mandibular opening with the condylar heads still in the glenoid cavity.

  • Maximal Opening or the translation of the condylar heads. 

  • Lateral Movements

These movements will be emphasized and explained in the next post of this blog. Meanwhile, you can check out this video which tells you a little bit about Posselt's envelope!

Thank you! Stay alert for the next post!


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